Mar 31, 2016 | Dental Health
A dental implant is a surgical procedure where patients get a permanent replacement for a missing tooth or multiple teeth. Patients with dental implants do not have to deal with any pain, discomfort or ill fit; and they don’t have to follow any maintenance procedures...
Mar 30, 2016 | Dental Health, Restorative Dental
Have you ever experienced tingling or pain on your teeth when you sip a cup of hot coffee or take a bite of ice cream? This is a sign of sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth can also make you flinch intermittently when brushing or flossing. Probable Causes of Sensitive...
Mar 30, 2016 | Dental Health, Dr. James Voyles
Anxiety is fear of the unknown. Most people have experienced anxiety, to some degree, particularly if they were exposed to something they have never experienced before. This is the same with Dental Anxiety. Dental anxiety is not merely characterized by sweating of the...
Mar 24, 2016 | Dental Health, Dr. James Voyles
Periodontal disease is an infection that affects the surrounding tissues of the teeth. Also known as gum disease, it is caused by the buildup of plaque (a sticky film bacteria) and is the main cause of tooth loss in adults. It is difficult to know that you have it...
Mar 24, 2016 | Dental Health, Dr. James Voyles
Several questions are raised as to the frequency of dental visits. It is important to note that the schedule for a dental check-up varies with each person. There are some who require an every 6-month dental check while others may require a more frequent dental visit....