Dental Articles

Preventing Plaque and Tartar Buildup

Bacteria may still be present in your mouth even if you practice proper oral hygiene. The bacteria in your mouth combines with proteins, food byproducts, saliva, and fluids that form on your teeth and create plaque. Plaque (the sticky and colorless film deposit of...

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Dentures 101: Types and Proper Care

Dentures are detachable frames that replace missing teeth. They help restore your smile and improve your looks and oral health. They are attached to a pink or gum-colored base with a metal clasp that fits in your mouth, so you can speak and eat just like you would...

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Teeth Whitening: OTC vs. From the Dentist

A white, healthy smile is everyone’s envy. It is wonderful for those who can flash their white teeth but it can be sad for those who have stained and discolored teeth. Stained and discolored teeth are a common dental problem, necessitating teeth whitening. Regular...

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What is Oral Sedation?

Sedation is not only given to patients who will undergo a surgical operation, oral sedation is now given as a popular component of modern dentistry. Patients who manifest dental anxiety or phobia choose to be sedated for routine dental procedures. How Does Oral...

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